What is MYSHA?

MYSHA (Meditation. Yoga. Self. Healing. Arts.) was founded in 2002 by Melissa Joss.

What began as a unique multimodal therapeutic method for creative wellbeing and personal development, combining ancient healing arts with contemporary arts based, experiential processes, has now become a sacred entity.

MYSHA is a unique method of spiritual practice which guides and supports you to achieve optimal levels of self awareness, integration and personal transformation throughout your life journey.

At MYSHA you are in safe hands. As well as being a talented singer-songwriter and artist, Melissa is a masters degree-qualified creative arts therapist, sound therapist and registered teacher, who has trained at the highest industry standards with ongoing professional enrichment over the past two decades. See her credentials here.

The MYSHA method has evolved along with its founder. Times have changed and so have we. There are many ways to get involved and join our community.

Please read on….

Dear Human Heart,

For more than twenty years, MYSHA has provided creative support to those on the path of personal development and wellbeing.  We've worked with people who are experiencing stress and disharmony in their daily lives, and also those with both short and longer term mental health needs.  We have seen great progress and many wonderful rewards when the human heart is given the love and companionship it craves and the holistic, creative tools which help to make sense of life.  

In recent times, the increasing weight of the material world has been tangibly felt by many, not least those who identify as  sensitives and intuitives, creatives, lightworkers, healers and wayshowers.  The modern life preoccupation with materialism along with the rapid onset of the digitisation of life in an Information Age, has brought with it fresh new goals for those who are awakened to the spiritual path. Add to this, the unprecedented challenges of epidemics, natural disasters and the environmental crisis and we now find ourselves catapulted into new territory, physically, emotionally, mentally, creatively and spiritually.  

MYSHA has responded to this changing landscape with innovation and renewed devotion.

MYSHA is here to embrace you, to bring you peace and to remind you of who you really are ~ a Divine Soul, having a human life experience.

The new MYSHA offerings are supercharged with integrity, truth, spirit and light.

It is our absolute pleasure to serve you.  We welcome you to the practice and pray for your highest trajectory.

Blessings and peace.
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MYSHA Founder, Melissa Joss MA, Grad DipEd, BA, D.STh, D.Yoga